‘Imagine the potential available when we unlearn the belief that we must keep trying harder and harder to do what keeps proving it doesn’t work.’
DOUG KRUG, Resultant Emeritus
The Father of Enlightened Leadership is what Doug Krug is known as. He created transformation-in-thinking work built around the premise that if leaders didn’t cause so much resistance to begin with, teams wouldn’t have to work so hard to overcome it.
A core belief of his process facilitation is that all the answers ever needed to create any outcomes desired are already available in the people doing the work.
Doug developed and facilitated Executive Development Programs throughout the federal government; including executive teams at the FBI, Secret Service, NASA, DEA, IRS, Veterans Affairs, Center for Disease Control (CDC), Office of Personnel Management, Department of Interior, Department of Labor, U.S. Marshals, Medicare/Medicaid, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, all 50 Admirals in the U.S. Coast Guard.
This also includes Governor’s Cabinets in Colorado, Hawaii, and Utah; as well as numerous executive teams in the corporate arena.
For three decades Doug was instrumental in the design and implementation of effective national healthcare initiatives. At U.S. Health & Human Services and Medicare, Doug’s work is commonly referred to as the Signature Style™.
He taught the capstone course of the MBA Program at Johns Hopkins University for 15 years and has been asked to serve as an advisor to a new JHU leadership program.
Doug’s first book, Enlightened Leadership: Getting to the HEART of Change has enjoyed over thirty printings. Selling over 500,000 copies, it can be found in libraries and is routinely used in university business classes.
The Missing Piece in Leadership: How to Create the Future You Want is a standard in leadership classes nationwide. He is also the co-author of Leadership Made Simple.
UNLearning! Leading Change without Resistance co-authored with Christine Kahane, available on Amazon, is the benchmark for organizations seeking resilience and profitability in turbulent times.
Doug is a walker embracing the Denver environment...one step at a time.